My lab results are back. My Tacrolimus ( anti rejection medication) blood levels are high so I get to decrease my dosage from 3mg to 2.5mg twice a day. I've also decreased my prednisone dosage today so I'm hoping for some relief from all these side effects. I'm not seeing a difference today but I'm still hopeful. My kidney function levels were up so we are stopping the diuretics, Torsemide ( water pills). We don't want to injure my kidneys in this process.
I'm being kinda lazy today because I'm not feeling great but restful days are important to my health too.
I had a couple visitors yesterday and today. As always I enjoy visitors. It's great to have conversations about what is happening in their lives.
Before my heart transplant I enjoyed going out to eat. I've been itching to do this over the past couple days but I'm just not feeling well enough and we would really need to pick a place and time when the restaurant isn't very busy so I think we will be waiting on this adventure.

Patrick's 60th Birthday dinner
Each ❤️ beat matters
Let's order in!
Whenever you are ready let me know. ❤️❤️
So happy that your adjustments in your meds will hopefully make you feel better! Love my t-shirt! Hope you got to go for a walk or two today! Love you, KellyAnn ❤️❤️
That is good news, maybe you won’t be so sick after a couple of days.❤️
Happy to hear they decreased your tacrolimus dose. Prayers you feel better once your body adjusts. I would love to come visit & help if needed. Sending all my love to you, David & Elizabeth! ❤️🥰