My new heart is so full with love and support ❤️
Yesterday’s benefit was a complete success. The amount of people that attended was incredible! Someone estimated approximately 350. I’m not great with numbers but I do know that I was completely in awe when we drove up, what a beautiful site!! There were so many donations in food, raffle prizes and volunteers! You all made it happen! Thank you to everyone!!
The Each💔 beat matters committee did a fantastic job putting it all together and their hard work did not go unnoticed…Lesley Vila, Meg Young, Elizabeth Curley, Sean Curley, Patrick Foley, Patti Curley, Karen Haluch Payne and David Holt! I adore and love you all!
I’m glad that I was well enough to attend for a little while. I wasn't feeling good all day but I really wanted to be there if even for a short time so I put my big girl pants on and a brave face along with my mask lol. This journey has been so surreal but last night was as real as it gets. I was surrounded by people who love me and have been praying for me and my recovery. It brought tears to my eyes. I wish that I could thank everyone individually but that is just impossible. I would like to send a global thank you to all who attended yesterday. It was so great to see family and friends some I haven’t seen in a few years. Thank you, Thank you all for your love and support ❤️
Each 💔beat matters

Such a great event! All the love was evident and special 💕
I am so happy for you all. I can see there were a lot of people.❤️❤️So glad you were able to attend.
That is absolutely amazing.
Kelly it was breath taking!