I'm sitting here awake at 3am in complete awe. I'm still pushing through. I will be honest I do not feel well most of the time but I'm doing everything I need to do and I'm barely complaining. I think the hardest part is the upset stomach, nausea and vomiting that happens. The medical and surgical teams have been wonderful and consistently working on ways to help me feel just a little bit better when they can.
I also experience a lot of dizziness, shortness of breath and extreme fatigue but I know that will get better as my new heart and my body become better acquainted. I promise to take good care of both. I am truly blessed at this time and fighting the good fight.
I appreciate each❤️ beat.
I will be having a procedure this afternoon in the Cardiac Cath lab, it is called a right Heart cath and biopsy. They will go into the heart through my neck to take some biopsies as well as calculate some important numbers needed to tell them how my special heart is functioning. The biopsies will tell them if or how much rejection the heart is dealing with and what medications or how much medication I should receive to help with that. The pressures ( numbers) will help them decide what cardiac medications I my need to help support my special heart. It is going to be a long day. I can not eat or drink anything except for the multiple anti rejection medications that I am on which are already hard to swallow- pun intended 😆
I want to take a few minutes to thank everyone for all the support and encouragement you have provided to me and my family. I hope that we are keeping you updated and informed on my progress. I have every intention to keep working hard and moving forward in this beautiful life.
I also want to let you know that my family and friends will be planning some great fundraisers in the future. This is a beautiful, scary but in all honesty expensive process and every little thing helps so I will try to keep everyone informed as these fundraisers roll out. Please spread the word! I received this email yesterday! I'm so excited and hoping that I will actually be able to physically be there to see everyone!!
We are planning a benefit fundraiser on Friday evening July 28 at the West Springfield Pavillion on Morgan Rd to help with Kelly's medical bills. Details to come but please keep the date open if you can.

Also my daughter Brenna has started a gofundme campaign on Facebook. I know that not everyone can donate and if you can't that's okay but it would be helpful if everyone could share, share share the page. It just takes one button click. To the so many people who have already shared or donated THANK YOU!!! Words can not describe our appreciation and gratitude to you! I love you all so much and could not do this without you!!!❤️❤️
I do still have a lot of pain from having my sternum cut open and a couple chest tubes remain in place along with the external pacemaker wires that are there in case of emergency at this point but things are definitely moving along. I will keep you posted on the biopsy and next steps. More to come...
Have a wonderful day

Kelly you are amazing. And amazingly loved…. You don’t complain or give up !! Even prior to the transplant.. when your heart gave out… when you had emergency pace maker placed…. when your fluids would build up …. When your heart was struggling … when it was a struggle for you to walk climb a flight of stairs or even breath … you never complained. You never shared all the things you were struggling with …( emotionally physically). You just showed up !!
Showed up for your friends. Showed up for your family !! Not everyone (I know especially me ) could continue yo show up the way you have when facing so much !! That is fierce strength…
Awh, KellyAnn you have been a fighter since birth! We love and support you with all that you need! Your biopsy today is just another milestone. It's easy for me to say, when you're the one going through it! But you love your life and will fight as hard as you can. That's the best we can ask for! Our love and prayers are with you! 💗
I love the tshirt!! David surprised me with it yesterday!!! We will be happy to sell them along with tank tops as soon as we get some inventory and we will definitely have them available at the fundraiser in July! So exciting thank you!!
Everything will go smoothly today and your counts will be strong, just like you! You are awesome!
Kelly you continue to be the strongest person I know. WE are here with you and I am amazed at your progress in 1 short week. Keep up the good work and I hope you begin to feel better every day. Good luck with the biopsy today. And who is selling the T-shirts??? I would love one.