Saturday started off good. I was feeling well. I took a shower and did my hair. David and I went out to lunch with with Elizabeth, Molly and Patrick. We played a little Keno but we didn't win. Unfortunately this activity wiped me out and by the time I got home from lunch I was feeling pretty lousy. I napped for a bit and then just layed around watching tv. Today was a lot of the same. I woke up around 6:30am. I was feeling okay until I took my morning medications. Once the side effects kicked in I needed to go back to bed. I took a 2 hour nap and now I'm just resting again. I do not see much productivity in my future for today. Resting days are important to my recovery ❤️🩹
The fundraiser that my friends and family are having for me is in 4 short weeks. I am told there are some fantastic raffle prizes that have been donated by some very generous people and companies. I am so overwhelmed by the support of everyone and all the work that the each beat matters committee has put into planning this fundraiser on my behalf. Thank you isn't enough!
Those who have been in the hospital,even for a short time, know that the bills are staggering and often times beyond our means. Heart transplants are that and more... for that reason the fundraising is so important to me! I appreciate every ticket sale, every tshirt sale and every donation. Thank you, Thank You, Thank you!

If anyone wants tickets the Venmo is @eachbeatmatters (David Holt) this account is directly linked to an account at TD Bank - Each beat Matters which is dedicated to my medical expenses and recovery. We can deliver or mail tickets to you!
Wishing everyone a happy July 4th weekend
Each ❤️ Beat Matters
Glad you got to enjoy some good time this weekend! Healing takes time … ❤️ love you KellyAnn ❤️