Today was a quiet day. I am feeling okay and my symptoms are tolerable. My cousin Patti came over in the afternoon and visited for a few hours. It was a great visit. She left seconds before the massive thunderstorm!🌩️⛈️
I have developed a very regimented daily routine. When I first came home from the hospital it was very overwhelming. I had to time my medications and vital signs and blood sugar checks. It is less overwhelming now that it has become routine. I wake up in the morning and I take my thyroid medication first thing. I then weigh myself, check my blood sugar, temperature, heart rate and oxygen level. At 7am I take my first round of medications. I eat breakfast around 8:45 so that I can take my anti rejection pills at 9am. Most days I ride out the side effects for a few hours. Usually around 11am I check my blood pressure. I recheck my blood sugar before dinner. We have dinner and then I take my evening meds at 7pm. I eat a snack around 8:45pm so that I can take my second dose of anti rejection medications. The side effects usually start to kick in around 9:30-10pm at which time I put myself to bed so I can sleep through it. I was recently prescribed a medication to help me sleep, One more pill to take. Fortunately, it has been very effective and I'm getting better sleep. I do all of this to monitor and take care of my heart ❤️
Tomorrow is the fundraiser event! I'm very excited to see everyone! I'm hoping that I feel well and can attend for a good chunk of the event. I'm excited to see all the lucky raffle winners!!!
See you tomorrow!
Each 💔 beat matters

Have a good time today. Be careful ❤️
KellyAnn I know it's early but I also know that you are an early 😉 riser so I hope you have a great 💯👍 feel good day today. The weather says no rain. I want to wish you the best today but please take it slow and easy you have fought to hard to get to this point. I know David will have an eye 👁️ on things. Love 😘 😍 you like the Dickens as always. See you later.
I love our visits. Brings me back to our childhood on Thomas Drive. I can't wait for the fundraiser and all the great raffles & seeing so many friends & family
I am looking forward to this event! I know that the heat will be a factor for people! I am excited to see family we have not seen in a while! I’m hoping I can stay for a few hours! Happy that you have somewhat of a routine that gets you to eat, to take your meds and through the day! Love you KellyAnn ❤️
It certainly will be great to see you tomorrow...but DON'T overdue it. Adrenaline will definitely be kicking in. Keep up your positive attitude. We love you KellyAnn..❤❤