This will probably be a quick update. We arrived at Mass General Hospital around 8:30. They are preparing me for surgery, IV placed, labs drawn, Chest X-ray and pregnancy test completed. I laughed too hard when the nurse told me that one! I was just informed that I will need to take a shower with an anti microbial soap called Hibiclens. We have not heard about a time for the be announced
I am truly overwhelmed by the support and love I have received both on this blog and on Facebook. I honestly have the most incredible friends and family and I am grateful for everyone. 💔
Thank you Kathleen for the beautiful shawl it's perfect for keeping me warm

Sending prayers to you Kelly! Love you!❤️
You got this, we ❤️ you
I just love you Kelly … you have never let anything stop you … this won’t either … what a blessing and a miracle 💕🍀💕
Father John sends his love and prayers